Podcasts & Blogs


I’m continually adding new content with links to the science, as well as FREE online summits (scroll down).

Information and opinions presented on this website are for educational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice in any way.  You are responsible for how you use this information.  Consult with your medical doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner before doing anything or making any changes that can affect your physical or mental health.  

Conversation with Dr. Sarah Marshall



Learn More About KAP

(Coming soon!)


Get to know Lorna – Journey Clinical



The Healing Power of Nature

read more


What is Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy?

(Coming soon!)


The Many Faces of Trauma

read more


The Silent Suffering of Sexual Trauma

 (Coming soon!)


Detox: Mind and Body

(Coming soon!)


My Essential Immune Supplements

 (Coming soon!)


“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
Maya Angelou



Webinars & Summits

I’m all about empowering people to live happy, healthy lives.  FREE online learning opportunities by wellness practitioners, authors, and researchers abound.  I keep a list of current/upcoming events here, so check back often and enjoy taking charge of your health!


*I receive NO royalties or commissions by linking you to these valuable resources*




The World’s Embodiment Festival

Starting February 13, 2025

Hear about the importance of being connected with and through your body.